Robinson, M., P.G. Hahn, B.D. Inouye, N. Underwood, S.R. Whitehead…[184 additional authors]…, and W.C. Wetzel (in review). Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain variability in global herbivory. Submitted 03/26/2023 to Science
Calvert, M.D., E. Cole, C.L. Neill, A.C. Stewart, S.R. Whitehead, and J. Lahne (in review). “The uniqueness of one apple versus another.” Exploring producer perspectives of hard cider in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic United States. Submitted 03/27/23 to Food, Culture & Society
Gelambi, M., E. Morales-M. and S.R. Whitehead (in review). Interactions between nutrients and fruit defensive metabolites shape bat foraging behavior and protein absorption. Submitted 06/21/23 to Ecosphere
In Press & Published
Gelambi, M. and S.R. Whitehead (in press). Multiscale variability in nutrients and secondary metabolites in a bat-dispersed neotropical fruit. Ecology and Evolution
Wetzel, W.C., B.D. Inouye, P.G. Hahn, S.R. Whitehead, and N. Underwood (2023) Variability in plant–herbivore interactions. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 54
Calvert, M.D., C.L. Neill, A.C. Stewart, E. Cole, S.R. Whitehead, and J. Lahne (2023). Exploring cider website descriptions using a novel text mining approach. Journal of Sensory Studies: e12854
Maynard, L.D., W.M. Ford, J. Parker, and S.R. Whitehead (2023). Biotic and abiotic factors shaping bat activity in Maryland soybean fields. Ecosphere 14(7): e4575
Nelson, A., M. Gelambi, E. Morales-M., and S.R. Whitehead (2023). Fruit secondary metabolites alter the quantity and quality of seed dispersal by ants. Ecology: e4032
Burt, M.A., J. Resasco, N. Haddad, and S.R. Whitehead (2022). Ants disperse seeds farther in habitat patches with corridors. Ecosphere 13(2): e432
Zhimo, V.Y., A. Kumar, A. Biasi, A. Abdelfattah, V. Sharma, S. Salim, O. Feygenberg, R. Bartuv, S. Freilich, S.R. Whitehead, M. Wisniewski, S. Droby (2022). Assembly and dynamics of the apple carposphere microbiome during fruit development and storage. Frontiers in Microbiology 13: 928888
Maynard, L.D., E. Moureau, M.Y. Bader, D. Salazar, and S.R. Whitehead (2022). Effects of climate change on plant resource allocation and herbivore interactions in a Neotropical rainforest shrub Ecology and Evolution 12(8): e9198
Nelson, A.S. and S.R. Whitehead (2021). Fruit secondary metabolites drive seed dispersal effectiveness. Trends in Ecology and EvolutionEarly View DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2021.08.005 Schneider, G., D. Salazar Amoretti, S. Hildreth, R. Helm, and Whitehead, S.R. (2021). Comparative metabolomics of fruits and leaves in a hyperdiverse lineage suggests fruits are a key incubator of phytochemical diversification. Frontiers in Plant Science12: 693739 pdf
Whitehead, S.R., G.F. Schneider, Ray Dybzinski, Annika S. Nelson, Mariana Gelambi, Elsa Jos, and Noelle G. Beckman (2021). Fruits, frugivores, and the evolution of phytochemical diversity. OikosEarly View DOI: 10.1111/oik.08332 pdf
Whitehead, S.R., E. Bass, A. Corrigan, A. Kessler, and K. Poveda (2021). Interaction diversity explains the maintenance of phytochemical diversity. Ecology Letters 24(6): 1205-121 Recommended by Faculty Opinions
Maynard, L.D., H.L. Slinn, A.E. Glassmire, B. Matarrita-Carranza, C.D. Dodson, T.T. Nguyen, M.J. Burroughs, L.A. Dyer, C.S. Jeffrey, S.R. Whitehead (2020). Secondary metabolites in a neotropical shrub: spatiotemporal allocation and role in fruit defense and dispersal. Ecology 101(12): e03192
Wetzel, W.C. and S.R. Whitehead (2020). The many dimensions of phytochemical diversity: linking theory to practice. Ecology Letters 23: 16-32 Recommended by Faculty Opinions
Abdelfattah, A., S.R. Whitehead, D. Macarisin, J. Liu, E. Burchard, S. Freilich, C. Dardick, S. Droby and M. Wisniewski (2020). Effect of washing, waxing, and low-temperature storage on the postharvest microbiome of apples. Microbiomes8(6): 944
Muchlinski, A., M. Ibdah, S. Ellison, M. Yahyaa, B. Nawade, S. Laliberte, D. Senalik, P. Simon, S.R. Whitehead, and D. Tholl (2020). Diversity and function of terpene synthases in the production of carrot aroma and flavor compounds. Scientific Reports 10 (1): 1-14
Aneirin A.L., C.P. Freed, C. C. Dickinson, S.R. Whitehead, E. Colláková, and J.G. Jelesko (2020). Poison ivy hairy root cultures enable a stable transformation system suitable for detailed investigation of urushiol metabolism. Plant Direct 4(8): e00243
Clemente, S. and S.R. Whitehead (2020). Ant seed dispersal of a non-myrmecochorous neotropical shrub. Biotropica 52: 90-100
Baldwin, J.W., D.K.N. Dechmann, W. Thies and S.R. Whitehead (2020). Defensive fruit metabolites obstruct seed dispersal by altering bat behavior and physiology at multiple temporal scales. Ecology 101(2): e02937
Miller, C., S.R. Whitehead, and C. Kwit (2020). Effects of seed morphology and elaiosome chemical composition on attractiveness of five Trillium species to seed‐dispersing ants. Ecology and Evolution 10.6 (2020): 2860-2873
Teixeira, G., V. Meakem, C. Morais, K. Lima, and S.R. Whitehead (2020). Pre-harvest treatments affect the quality of 'Golden Delicious' and 'York' apple fruit. Environmental and Experimental Botany 173: 104005
Maynard, L, A. Ananda, M.F. Sides, H. Burk, and S.R. Whitehead (2019). Dietary resource overlap among three species of neotropical frugivorous bats. Journal of Tropical Ecology 35(4): 165-172 pdf
Whitehead, S.R.,and K. Poveda (2019). Resource-allocation trade-offs and the loss of chemical defenses during apple domestication. Annals of Botany 123(6): 1029-1041 Editor's Choice pdf
Chautá, A., S.R. Whitehead, M. Amaya, and K. Poveda (2017). Leaf herbivory imposes fitness costs mediated by hummingbird and insect pollinators. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0188408 pdf
Thompson, L.R., J.G. Sanders et al. [with 300+ co-authors including S.R. Whitehead] (2017). A communal catalogue reveals Earth’s multiscale microbial diversity. Nature 551: 457-463
Whitehead, S.R., M.M. Turcotte, and K. Poveda (2017). Domestication impacts on plant-herbivore interactions: a meta-analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 372 (1712): 20160034 pdf
Turcotte, M.M., H. Araki, D.S. Karp, K. Poveda, and S. R. Whitehead (2017). The eco-evolutionary impacts of domestication and agricultural practices on wild species. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 372 (1712): 20160033 pdf
Whitehead, S.R., M.F. Obando, and M.D. Bowers (2016). Chemical trade-offs in seed dispersal: Defensive metabolites deter consumption by mutualist bats. Oikos 125: 927-937. pdf
Whitehead, S.R., J. Tiramani, and M.D. Bowers (2016). Iridoid glycosides from fruits reduce the growth of fungi associated with fruit rot. Journal of Plant Ecology 9 (3): 357-366. pdf
Lieurance, D., S. Chakraborty, S. R. Whitehead, J. R. Powell, P. Bonello, M. D. Bowers, and D. Cipollini (2015). Comparative herbivory rates and secondary metabolite profiles in the leaves of native and non-native Lonicera species. Journal of Chemical Ecology 41: 1069-1079
Baldwin, J. and S.R. Whitehead (2015). Fruit secondary compounds mediate the retention time of seeds in the guts of Neotropical fruit bats. Oecologia 177 (2): 453-466. pdf
Whitehead, S.R. and M.D. Bowers (2014). Chemical ecology of fruit defense: synergistic and antagonistic interactions among amides from Piper. Functional Ecology 28 (5): 1094-1106. Winner of the 2014 OTS Outstanding Student Paper Award.pdf
Whitehead, S.R., Reid, E., J. Sapp, K. Poveda, A. Royer, A. Posto, and A. Kessler (2014). A specialist herbivore uses chemical mimicry to overcome the defenses of an ant-plant mutualism. PLoS ONE 9(7): e102604. pdf
Ananda, A., M.F. Obando-Quesada, and S.R. Whitehead (2014). Foraging and feeding preferences of co-occurring Carollia bat species on the shared resource of Piper fruit. Saltman Quarterly 11: 43-46
Whitehead, S.R., C. Jeffrey, M. Leonard, C. Dodson, L.A. Dyer and M.D. Bowers (2013). Patterns of secondary metabolite allocation to fruits and seeds in Piper reticulatum. Journal of Chemical Ecology 39: 1373-1384. pdf
Whitehead, S.R. and M.D. Bowers (2013). Evidence for the adaptive significance of secondary compounds in vertebrate-dispersed fruits. American Naturalist 182(5): 563-567. Recommended by Faculty of 1000. pdf
Whitehead, S.R. and M.D. Bowers (2013). Iridoid and secoiridoid glycosides in a hybrid complex of bush honeysuckles (Lonicera spp., Caprifolicaceae): implications for evolutionary ecology and invasion biology. Phytochemistry 86: 57-63. pdf
Whitehead, S.R. and K. Poveda (2011). Herbivore-induced changes in fruit-frugivore interactions. Journal of Ecology 99: 964–969. pdf
Book Chapters
Whitehead, S.R., M. Wisniewski, S. Droby, A. Abdelfattah, S. Freilich, M. Mazzola (2021). The apple microbiome: structure, function, and manipulation for improved plant health. pp 341-282 In “The Apple Genome” ed. S.S. Korban, Springer-Nature
Wisniewski, M., S. Droby, A. Abdelfattah, J. Liu, S.R. Whitehead, S. Freilich and C. Dardick (2021). Spatial and compositional diversity in the microbiota of harvested fruits: what can it tell us about biological control of postharvest diseases. pp 63-72 In “Postharvest Pathology: Next Generation Solutions to Reducing Losses and Enhancing Safety” ed. D. Spadaro, S. Droby, and M. Lodovica Gullino, Springer Nature